Golden Chedda Mac & Cheese

Golden Chedda Mac & Cheese


1 (3.20 oz) bottle of Golden Chedda Cashew Parm

1/2 c. Boiling water

6-8 oz Cooked pasta (gluten free optional)


Add 1/2 c. of boiling water to a blender. Next add 1 (3.20 oz) bottle of Golden Chedda Cashew Parm to the blender and mix for 1-2 minutes.

Midway through the blending process use a spatula or spoon to scrape the cheese off of the sides of the blender.

Stir the creamy sauce into 6-8 oz of cooked pasta and enjoy warm! 

Option to top the dish with more Cashew Parm before serving. 

If you have leftovers, store them in the fridge for up to 1 week.

Serving Size: 4-6

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